We need to live like a tree.
Another example blog post
Living like
a Tree
Recently I have been giving a talk called ‘Think Like A Tree’. I will come back to this in later posts, but now I want to discuss Living Like A Tree.
Articles by David
May 15 2024
Recently in Aotearoa, we have had a wet spring. This has meant that the trees have an abundance of water and nutrients so they have put on masses of foliage. But now it is starting to get drier and over the summer our Hawke’s Bay area on the east coast can become parched. Then trees standout starkly green against the straw colour of sun-burnt grasses and the crisp dry air shimmers.
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Māhanga forest community. How many different species can you spot all living together here—and there will be thousands more that you can’t see. It is this variety that makes the community.