Case Study
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Treewalk Nightlights
Located within Rotorua’s Redwood Forest which attracts more than 500,000 visitors annually. At the time of completion in 2016, it was the world’s longest suspended walkway. The walk, consisting of 23 elevated swing-bridges and living platforms, showcases one of Rotorua’s most visited natural attractions.
Articles by David
May 15 2024
We partnered with the Redwoods Treewalk to create an iconic nocturnal tourism experience:
Nightlights. It is New Zealand’s first design-led tourism experience.
The new night-time experience will offer visitors and locals the opportunity to explore Rotorua’s majestic Redwood forest under the shroud of darkness; illuminated by our lights.
Case Study
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The Concept
Māhanga forest community. How many different species can you spot all living together here—and there will be thousands more that you can’t see. It is this variety that makes the community.